Wednesday, June 18, 2014


To be in our twenties is said to be the most exhilarating and enjoyable time in our lives, experiencing what is known as being in our “prime” and living life to the fullest each and every day. As students, we are getting a small taste of the real world without being thrown into its depths as of yet, so we can dip our feet into it and slowly work our way in until we are ready to jump in after graduation. Even after our college days are over, it doesn’t mean that our “prime” years are over whatsoever! In reality, life after college can be even more fun than the old college glory days, and some would argue that the “prime” years of our lives begin when school ends and we make our trek into the world outside of our college campus grounds. It really all depends on the manner and mindset in which we approach these milestone markers in life, and with each milestone we are given the chance to start a new chapter in the book of our lives, with a totally blank slate.

So how do we make the most of this twenty-something period in our lives? I think the answer is found within us as individual young women. It is so important to use this time to figure out the women that we want to be physically, emotionally and mentally as we make our way towards adulthood. We can achieve that by trying new things, making mistakes, learning and growing through each experience we encounter. An impromptu trip to the beach or spontaneous semester backpacking in a foreign country with some friends? Go for it! The chance to experience a new hobby, craft or sport for the first time? Why not try it when you have nothing to do but gain a new experience that you might actually really enjoy! Figuring out who we are, what we like, and more importantly, what we don’t, is an essential part of maturing and forming lifestyle habits that we create at this age and carry with us for the rest of our lives.

During our twenties, many young women experience their first serious relationships, whether thinking, believing, or knowing from the beginning that they’ve finally met “the one.” Sadly, this sometimes results in heartbreak when that twenty-something guy proves that he isn’t quite mature enough and ready to meet the increasing standards of the twenty-something woman who is quickly escalating and making her way into the adult world. Do not be discouraged, ladies! With the support of friends, family, chocolate, and a few issues of Cosmopolitan, the fabulous twenty-something woman will be up and back on her game at no time! There is nothing wrong with being single during your twenties!

Now is the time to truly embrace the remarkable things this great world has in store for us. So go out with the girls on a random Friday night, join a gym or workout class, learn a random foreign language, meet new people and try new things. Most importantly, focus on YOU and what you want and need during this time in your life. This is the time to promote you and your well-being without feeling selfish. It’s all about you, so don’t be afraid to promote your own happiness. When you are a confident and happy young woman, people will flock to your confidence and positivity; it is absolutely contagious. So throw on that million dollar smile, your favorite pair of heels, and take on the world.

'Figure out who you are separate from your family, and the man or woman you're in a relationship with. Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone. I think that's the most important thing in life. Find a sense of self because with that, you can do anything else.” – Angelina Jolie

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